Like its predecessor, (RHGB 25), this compilation traces the rise of UK ladies from the R&R era to the early 60s, and heralds the newly emergent Brit Girl sound that was evolving at the dawn of the Beat era. As we have learned, although the arrival of the archetypical 60s ‘dolly bird’ was still a couple of years away, by the turn of that decade a whole ‘new look’ Brit Girl was emerging; a slim, wan, wide-eyed young gazelle, the polar opposite of the fiercely glam, tightly-corseted, frilly-petticoated, carefully-coiffed, severely made-up filly of the 1950s, who’d ruled the roost. During the 60s, even the ‘old guard’ underwent serious makeovers, with the result that establishment figures like Alma Cogan, The Beverley Sisters, Petula Clark, Marion Ryan and Shirley Bassey began to look younger than their mothers for the first time in their lives. CLICK SLEEVE TO BUY
Helen, Dusty, Susan, Carol & More – Early Brit Girls Vol. 2