Managed to catch up with Richard Brown (aka Rick Fenson) yesterday who had played bass with Cyril Davies many moons ago. Over the years he played bass with The Savages, Brian Auger, Marty Wilde, Steampacket, Georgie Fame, Long John Baldry and he even turns up in Keith Richard’s book as the early Stones kept getting gigs but with no bass player and asking him to dep for them with Carlo Little on drums. Brian Jones wanted them to join apparently but Jagger preferred the Wyman/Watts option, such is the lot of a musician in those days. Like many he was still at school when it all started, badgering his dad for a guitar and not getting one until two years of paper rounds had earned him enough cash, Skiffle has a lot to answer for in starting young men on such a radically different path from that of their parents.
Sixties bass player – just busy doing gigs